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Sleepless Bayou


Tech Lead and Art/Tech Programmer


A horror fishing game where the player must search a treacherous bayou for fish all whilst horrific monsters toy with their mind.




2.5D Horror Fishing Game


Steam (TBA)

My Contribution


Tech Lead and Art/Tech Programmer


  • Acted as Technical Lead for programmers on the team.

  • Organized, produced, and managed tasks for the technical team.

  • Assisted other programmers on engine and system interface.

  • Point of communication for Art and Design Leads.

  • Created team’s Technical Design Guide


GameObject Manager and Template Components:

  • Created a gameobject manager which controls the creation and destruction of all gameobjects, as well as updating all gameobjects each gameloop.

  • Gameobjects are controlled by their individual components.

  • Created template component class for the following instances: Behavior, Animation, Collider, Physics, Sprite, and Transform components.

  • Implemented class functionality for each component including creation/destruction, updating, and custom class variables.

Behavior Manager:

  • Implemented Behavior class for all gameobjects which allows custom gameplay mechanics to be created inside a behavior and added to a gameobject. Behaviors are able to manipulate a GameObject’s position, animation, collision, interaction with other gameobjects, and key-bound behaviors.


Graphics Engine (Render, Shader, Mesh, Texture):

  • Used OpenGL to create a render class and manager which handles the creation and destruction of the renderer, initialization, as well as updating the render frame each gameloop.

  • Created OpenGL shader class which handles creation/destruction of the shader, initialization, and use of the shader.

  • Implemented OpenGL mesh rendering which reads in mesh data, handles mesh creation/destruction, and draws a mesh with its partner texture.

  • Implemented texture class which handles loading images and sprite sheets, as well as their creation/destruction.

Fishing Behavior:

  • Implemented behaviors on the Player Character, the player’s boat, and the player’s fishing bobber. This controlled the operation of the object’s animations, as well as switching between animations on an 8-directional path.

  • The player switches between sitting in the boat, casting out their line, fishing, and reeling in their fish, all along the 8-directional path. I programmed seamless transitions between each animation and its corelating direction.

  • Created behavior for cattails which slow down the player’s boat when they drive through them.

  • Implemented the boat’s main light source to follow the rotation of the boat but with an offset towards the front of the boat.

  • Implemented the boat's splash which triggers and loops every time the player drives the boat.

Fog Wall:

  • Implemented a looping Fog Wall which rolls across the game camera and seamlessly restarts without notice.

Enemy Behavior:

  • Implemented the animations for the Bayou Beasts attacks. Including moving in 4 directions and switching between different animation sets depending on the enemy state.


  • Created the camera class and behavior which follows to player and is bound to the game map.

Colliders and Collider Manager:

  • Implemented Circle, Box, and Line colliders that can be attached to gameobjects.

  • Each collider has a customizable size (radius, length, width).

  • Collider manager controls all interactions between colliding gameobjects and invokes their subsequent functions if one exists.

Third Eye Architecture Diagram.png



The Sleepless Bayou is but an informal moniker, betraying what somber anecdotes sweep through the late-night tavern tales in Willows Key. 


As the bayou’s murky waters stagnate, the eerie quiet could make even an old fisherman start to feel uneasy.


Moonshine Rucker

He’s been a fisherman his whole life, the grime of the old swamp aged into his wrinkles and the humid air sweeping his long beard. He knows that she lurks in the bayou, but his routine is steadfast with the experienced obstinacy of one who’s been on the bayou waters for far too long. After all, what else is an old fisherman supposed to do but fish?

Bayou Beast

A grotesque trapper who’s taken the lives of many other fishermen, though none as experienced as Moonshine. She feeds on anything with flesh. It’s said that she was once a cute pet fish who was cursed by a witch, while others say that she was sent by the Devil himself to keep the villagers from a food source.


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