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Cave Crawlers


UI Programmer


Do you dare dive into the depths of the crystal caverns? A fearless spelunker you are, descending the sprawling stalagmites, warding off slime and crystal creatures alike… but; do you have what it takes to conquer the largest slime of all? King George!




Turn-based Dungeon Crawler


Steam (TBA)

My Contribution

GameObject Manager:

  • Implemented the framework of a GameObject manager which controlled all entities in the scene. Player, enemy, UI, menus, backgrounds.

  • Handled the GameObject class creation and destruction, as well as customization with Animations, Sprites, Transforms, and Updating.


LevelUp Gamestate:

  • Created a gamestate to handle leveling up the player.

  • This gamestate gave the player the ability to choose which class to feed their experience points into (Rogue, Bruiser, Tank, or Luck)

  • This gamestate gave the player the choice of a reward from a randomized selection of items (Health Potions, Bread Buff, Mushroom Dodge, and Sure Shot Tea)

  • This gamestate handled all UI and button drawing. Giving a custom level-up screen with class and shop options.


SpriteSource Manager:

  • Implemented a manager that handles all sprites in the game.

  • This manager controls the sprite class, including its creation and destruction, texture, UV coordinates, mesh, optional rows/cols for sprite sheets, frame index, and alpha.


UI Manager:

  • Implemented a UI manager that handles all objects of the UI class.

  • Includes creation and destruction of these items, positioning, and updating.


Animation Manager:

  • Implemented an animation manager that handled all animation class objects. This manager handled the creation and destruction of animations, as well as updating animations.

  • Created animation class to handle customizable animations including their: frame index, frame count, delays, durations, and animation states (Running, Looping, Done).


Sentence Manager:

  • Created a custom sentence generator with customizable text input.

  • This class handled the creation and destruction of text, as well as positioning and drawing of text from a custom alphabet sprite sheet.


Combat Log:

  • Implemented a combat log that displayed all actions taken in the game by player and enemies.

  • Included text summaries of all player attacks, item consumption, level-up stats, fight conditions, as well as all enemy moves and enemy conditions.

  • This combat log exists in the bottom right corner of the game. It automatically handles all incoming text, scrolls as the log fills, as well as shapes the text to fit the container.


HealthBar Manager:

  • Implemented a health bar manager which is used for both player and enemy.

  • Auto adjusts its length based on its connected characters' health.

  • Updates the correlating health display number.


Art Assets:

  • Hand-made all art that exists in the game with Pyxel and Photoshop.

  • Created all environment art, buttons, characters, enemies, alphabet, UI for the main game, UI for all menus, and consumable items with animations.



Cave Crawlers is a 2D Turn-based Dungeon Diver where you try and reach the highest depths before perishing.


The game includes three base enemy types which you will meet and fight as you explore the caverns. A simple slime offers a balanced combat. A Crystal beast has a strong defense but small damage. A floating eye acts as a glass cannon, dealing large damage with the ability to poison, but being as fragile as a flower.

Cave Crawlers also contains three bosses, all inheriting traits from their lesser versions. King George, the biggest slime of all, offers a balanced but intimidating combat that one must struggle through with the greatest of wits and patience. The Blue Mama, a manifestation of crystal, is as tough as a brick wall, determination will be your strong suit. Lastly, the Eye Swarm, a collection of the glass cannon baddies who seek to take you down swiftly and quietly, unless you use your consumables wisely.


This game offers a variety of probability. You must use your knowledge of stats, statistics (as well as lots of bread and tea!) to make your way through each enemy. On a given round, the player is given 4 random attack actions, each with a custom and balanced damage modifier and a chance to miss. The player also has access to 4 different consumables: a health potion, bread which increases damage, mushrooms which gives you 100% chance to dodge, and sure shot tea which gives you 100% chance to hit. On the player’s turn, they are allowed to consume one item and make one attack.

class selection.png

Classes and Leveling:

Cave Crawlers also involves a class and leveling system. At the beginning of the game, the player is offered a choice of class: Rogue for higher dodge percentage, Bruiser for larger damage, Tank for maximum health, and Luck to increase hit/dodge percentage. As the player explores the caverns, they are also offered intermittent level-up stages. These restore the player to max health, give 1 free item of each consumable, offer the player 2 class points where they can choose to buff any of the four classes above, as well as a reward. The reward is offered in a randomized shop of three choices, each holding a random consumable and a random amount of that consumable.

Throughout the game, the player must make precise decisions in order to survive the oncoming beasts. Resource management, strategic fighting, and focused class/item selection. Each creature gives a special amount of XP, for every 100XP gain, the player levels up. If the player is able to make it to the 10th round of the cavern, they are faced with their first boss. To get here takes a creative and analyzed mind, to survive here, takes an even greater resolve.


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