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tavern brawl.JPG

Tavern Brawl


UI, Behavior, and Physics Programmer


A simple rustic Tavern Brawl. As a bartender being raided by yet another Biker gang, you must fight off incoming enemies while tonight’s band serenades your battle cry.




2D Action Fighter



tavern brawl.JPG

My Contribution

Animation Manager:

  • Implemented an animation manager that handled the creation, destruction, and manipulation of all animations in the game.

  • Included animation behaviors such as Play(), Loop(), Reset(), Frame setters/getters.

  • Created custom animation class with customizable sprite sheets, animation timers, and animation states for objects handling multiple sets of animated sprite sheets.


Enemy Manager:

  • Implemented enemy manager which handled the creation, destruction, and updating of all enemies in each wave.

  • Created Enemy class which handled all enemy behavior, including: health management, AI follow-player movement, knockback movement on damage, spawning, and directional animations.


Button Manager:

  • Implemented button manager that handled button creation, destruction, and updating of button UI objects.

  • Created button class which allowed custom size, position, image, and hover/click states.


Level Manager:

  • Created level manager which handled all interactions between different scenes (main menu, game, lose screen, pause menu)


Art Assets:

  • Custom-made all art in Tavern Brawl with Pyxel drawing software.

  • Created Player assets and sprite sheets for different directions and player health states.

  • Created Enemy assets and sprite sheets for different directions and enemy health states.

  • Created all props in the environment, including the bar, tables, bar decor, lighting, and band. As well as the sprite sheets for the flickering lights and rocking band.

  • Created the tavern map for the game.

  • Created main menu, lose menu, and all button art.



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